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My Beloved by Kim Hak A photographic project by the Cambodian photographer celebrates the people and landscape of his country.
Malawi Folklore Database Project A new website will make Malawi’s cultural heritage more accessible to its people.
A collaborative project captures the personal histories of the Cambodian diaspora in Japan A collaborative project captures the personal histories of the Cambodian diaspora in Japan.
Cambodian diaspora in Japan share their histories 日本に住むカンボジア系移民が伝える歴史 អាណិកជនខ្មែរនៅប្រទេសជប៉ុនរៀបរាប់រឿងរ៉ាវអតីតកាលរបស់ពួកគេ Stories of the Cambodian diaspora in Japan, brought to light.
Doc Edge Rei Foundation Film Fund A new fund from Doc Edge and Rei Foundation to promote the production of new youth-targeted documentaries.
Storytelling at Dzaleka Gathering and sharing traditional stories in Dzaleka refugee camp, Malawi.
Alive III: a photography project by Kim Hak Stories of the Cambodian diaspora in Auckland, brought to light.
Sa Sa Art Projects, cultivating Cambodia's arts community An artist-initiated and run space dedicated to experimental and critical contemporary art practices in Cambodia.
Cambodian Living Arts Arts education, playing a key role in reinvigorating Cambodia's arts scene.
Malawi folktales come to the theatre Theatrical performances of Malawian folktales entertain.