Kim Hak "Alive IV" Book

Kim Hak
Kim Hak "Alive IV" Book

Kim Hak


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2022年に東京と横浜、2023年に横浜とプノンペンで開催されたキム・ハクの写真展「生きる IV」の作品を収録した写真集「生きるIV」(日本語、クメール語、英語)。「生きるIV」の作品全点とそのテキストのほか、キム・ハクとの対談、日本在住でカンボジアにルーツを持つ人々へのインタビュー、研究者の論考などを掲載しています。「生きるIV」は、過去に埋もれた個人の物語に光を当て、歴史を生き抜いた人間のたくましさや希望の力、を見る人に強烈に提示します。

Following the success of Kim Hak's photography exhibition “Alive IV” in Tokyo and Yokohama in 2022, and Yokohama and Phnom Penh in 2023, the artist’s book “Alive IV” (in Japanese, Khmer and English) is now available. In addition to the 40 original photographs and texts by Kim Hak, four newly capture stories and extra content have been added. In addition to all of the Alive IV works produced in Japan and their texts, the book includes a conversation with Kim Hak, interviews with people with Cambodian roots, and essays from researchers. “Alive IV” sheds light on personal stories buried in the past, and powerfully presents the resilience of these people who have survived history, the power of hope, and the importance of connecting to the future. 

ISBN: 978-0-473-64517-5

Published by: Rei Foundation Limited

Author: Kim Hak

Publication Date 08/2022

Kim Hak
Kim Hak