World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development

World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development

The aim of education for sustainable development (ESD) is to equip people with the skills, knowledge, values, and perspectives to make informed decisions and act upon them, with the ambitious goal of creating a better world for this generation and future generations of all living things on Earth.

Addressing the social, economic, cultural and environmental issues faced in the 21st century in a holistic manner, ESD is a crucial tool to help citizens of the world shape a more sustainable future. The 2014 World Conference on ESD marks the final year of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.
From 4 to 8 November 2014, stakeholder meetings held in Okayama, Japan will bring together key ESD stakeholder groups, such as teachers and student representatives from the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet), a global network of 9,900 educational institutions in 180 countries. Rei Foundation is supporting the organisation of UNESCO ASPnet International ESD events for these students and teachers.

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