Rei Foundation featured Malawian television

Rei Foundation featured Malawian television

In November 2016, Rei Foundation Executive Director Reiko Fukutake and Advisory Board members Geeta Sethi and Masayoshi Tarui appeared live on Timveni TV in Malawi. They were interviewed about the foundation's role in several projects in Malawi, including the preservation of Malawian folktales, storytelling sessions at the National Library in Lilongwe and the folktales television show being produced by Timveni TV.
They were also asked about the important role of folktales in education and in people's lives generally. Assistant Project Officer Simon Holden acted as translator for Executive Director Fukutake.
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Rei Foundation advisory board members Geeta Sethi and Masayoshi Tarui being interviewed on Timveni TV.
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Timveni TV's presenter interviews Rei Foundation's Reiko Fukutake and Simon Holden.

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