Tonga leitis, equipped for change

Tonga leitis, equipped for change

November 2015 - January 2021


Agabe Cruella Kingnukuturn manages the centre and administrates the scholarships. Photograph by Amin Taumoefolau.

Tonga leitis, equipped for change

November 2015 - January 2021


In Tonga, neither the leitis (transgender) community nor same-sex relationships are recognised or protected by law. This lack of legal recognition contributes to social invisibility and a lack of influence on policy makers and officials responsible for resource allocation and service delivery. Leitis and queer Tongans face societal and structural discrimination, making access to employment, education and healthcare a challenge for many.

The Tonga Leitis Association (TLA) was established in 1992 to focus on improving the rights and celebrating the contributions of leitis and LGBTIQ+ people in Tonga.
In May 2013, the TLA celebrated the opening of its drop-in centre Ofa he Paea (‘love for those in need’). The centre is the first of its kind in the Pacific that is funded and operated solely by its members. It welcomes all leitis, many of whom are shunned by society and neglected by their families. Others come to the centre as dropouts from educational or training institutes. The centre is seen as a safe haven for leitis and many others. It operates as a community hub, health clinic, and advocacy centre all in one.
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Ofa he Paea, the drop-in centre for leitis and queer Tongans, run by the Tonga Leitis Association. Photograph by Amin Taumoefolau.
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Ofa he Paea operates as a space for health information and resources for the community as well as running events that celebrate its members creativity and individuality. Photograph by Amin Taumoefolau.
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Brochures for members regarding their rights, health information and community events. Photograph by Amin Taumoefolau.
In 2016-17, Rei Foundation supported four people from Ofa he Paea (or affiliated organisations) to enter into or complete their training at the 'Ahopanilolo Technical Institute (ATI), with the goal of helping them to achieve financial independence. ATI provides quality vocational training qualifications and life skills, including courses in commercial cookery, accommodation services, fashion and design, and art, design and culture. As the only technical institute in the Kingdom of Tonga, ATI has developed strong relationships with employers and continuing education or training providers, both within Tonga and overseas. These four students sponsored by Rei Foundation in 2016-17 have now completed their studies and are in employment using the skills attained at ATI.
Rei Foundation has continued to offer scholarships annually to members of the Tonga Leitis Association. In 2018, six people from the leitis community were funded to attend a full two-year programme at ATI, and four additional half scholarships were offered to students who have attended their first year at ATI but were not financially able to complete their training.

The overall objective is to enable the transition of those (both from within and outside the leitis community) into training and financial independence.
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A group of scholarship recipients.
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Many of the scholarship students study cookery at ATI.
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Celebrating graduation at 'Ahopanilolo Technical Institute.
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Happy students on graduation day.

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